Texas Holdem Odds

Basic statistics

You're holding a pair before the flop 16 to 1
You're holding suited cards before the flop 3.25 to 1
You're holding 2 kings or 2 aces before the flop 110 to 1
You're holding ace king before the flop 82 to 1
You're holding one ace before the flop 6 to 1
If you have 4 parts of the flush, after the flop, you will make a flush 1.85 to 1
If you have 4 parts of an open ended straight flush, after the flop, you will make a straight flush 11 to 1
If you have 4 parts of an open ended straight flush, after the flop, you will make at least a straight 0.85 to 1
If you have 2 pair after the flop, you will make a full house or better 5 to 1
if you  have a three of a kind after the flop, you will make a full house or better 2 to 1
if you hold a pair, at least one more of that kind will flop 7 to 1
if you hold no pair,you will pair at least one of your cards on the flop 2 to 1
if you hold 2 suited cards, two or more of that suite will flop 7 to 1
if you begin suited, and stay trough the river, 3 more suited cards will come, but not 4 or 5 16 to 1
if you begin paired, and stay through the river, at least one more of your kind will turn up 4 to 1

Starting hands before the flop

AA 220 to 1 AKs 331 to 1
KK,QQ or JJ 73 to 1 AKo 110 to 1
TT,99,88,77,66 43 to 1 AQs,AJs 165 to 1
55,44,33,22 54 to 1 AQo,AJo 54 to 1
KQs 331 to 1 ATs-A2s 36 to 1
KQo 110 to 1 ATo-A2o 11 to 1
Any pair 16 to 1 2 suited connectors 46 to 1
2 Suited cards 3 to 1 2 offsuited connectors 15 to 1

 Flops when you're holding a pair

Four of a kind 407 to 1
Full house, with your pair being full 1,632 to 1
Ace-your card and a smaller card 55 to 1
Full house, with 3 similar cards on the flop 444 to 1
 Three suited cards of the same color you're holding 44 to 1
 Three suited cards of a different color  33 to 1
 Open ended straight option  315 to 1
 Any flop with at least 1 card, giving you 3 of a kind  8 to 1


if you hold suited cards, a flush will flop 118 to 1
if you hold a pair, four of a kind will flop 407 to 1
If you hold 6-5 off suit, a straight will flop 76 to 1
If you hold 7-5 off suit, a straght will flop 101 to 1
If you hold 8-5 off suit, a straight will flop 152 to 1
If you hold 9-5 offsuit, a straight will flop 305 to 1
if you hold 9-8 suited, a straight flush will flop 4,900 to 1
if you hold 9-7 suited, a straight flush will flop 6,500 to 1
if you hold 9-6 suited, a straight flush will flop 9,800 to 1
if you hold 9-5 suited. a straight flush will flop 19,600 to 1
No one holds an ace or a king in a 10 handed game 70 to 1
Headsup, both players hold pocket aces 271,000 to 1
You will not hold a pair or an ace for the next 20 hands 94 to 1
You will not hold a pair or an ace for the next 50 hands 88,000 to 1
You will hold a pair of aces before the flop each of the next 4 hands 2,500,000,000 to 1

Absence of aces before the flop

Players No player has an ace No player has an ace exept for you If you have no ace, the probability that no other players have an ace
2 72% 88% 84%
3 60% 77% 71%
4 50% 68% 59%
5 41% 59% 49%
6 34% 50% 40%
7 27% 43% 32%
8 22% 36% 26%
9 17% 31% 20%
10 13% 25% 16%